SASGF – A Security Journey and being a LifeLearner…

…of Storytelling, Dataviz, Technology, Leadership, Data for Good and Social SAS Global Forum (SASGF) was a blast! (And we have 600+ photos and plenty of tweets to show for it!) In fact, with the following features, how could it have been anything but mind-blowing? 5,400+ attendees 700+ presentations/posters/demos TED Talk-style keynote presentations perfect warm Spring […]

SAS Administrator looking for a new challenge?

Metacoda is hiring in Australia to help us support our customers, prospects and drive new services. We’re looking for someone who’s: a proven communicator; an experienced SAS platform administrator; and customer focused. Interested? Get in contact to introduce yourself and discuss how you can help us grow.

SAS Global Forum Metacoda Memories and Magic

As the clock ticks and the calendar flicks, SAS Global Forum 2017 gets closer and closer… You know that ticking sound. Maybe it’s like the one in Peter Pan where Captain Hook is haunted by Tick-Tock, the crocodile. Or perhaps it’s more like the sound of a clock striking the hour, as in Cinderella, with […]

Capturing 2016 with the Metacoda koalas

Hello friends! It’s the Metacoda koalas again wanting to say a little “hooroo” to farewell 2016 and thank you for your support. What a busy year we’ve had meeting incredible SAS users all over the world! Perhaps you saw us at a conference or event? Or even adopted one of our many furry siblings along […]

Farewell 2016 and HELLO 2017

Thanks so much for being a part of our Metacoda community. For us, business is all about the people (and koalas, of course!), so we really appreciate you hanging out with us this year (whether it was in person or online). But before we farewell 2016, here’s a short update to reflect a little, to […]

SAS European Forum Recap – thanks!

You may recall that in our last blog post, the Metacoda koalas shared their excitement about an upcoming trip attending and sponsoring SAS events in Europe. Well, we’re pleased to report that the trip was a great success; the koalas had a wonderful adventure and we had a blast meeting up with our customers, partners, […]

Message from our Metacoda Koalas

G’day Metacoda followers, It’s the Metacoda koalas here! You’ve probably seen us at a Metacoda stand, on social media, or mentioned at the end of a blog post… But we thought it was time to do our very own blog post so we can get to know each other a little better. We’d like to […]

Launching Metacoda Plug-ins 6.0: Try it today!

Metacoda is excited to announce that the latest version of our Metacoda Plug-ins – version 6 – is ready to roll and even better than ever! The new release has been a really positive experience, with highlights including: The opportunity to include customer enhancement requests. Additions that make it even quicker and easier to manage […]

Embark on a ‘security journey’ with Metacoda

Being as ‘safe as a bank’ used to be simply about thick concrete walls and oversized locks. But today being ‘as safe as a bank’ is more about keeping up with the onslaught of new technology, complex information systems, and regulatory scrutiny. Metacoda’s Michelle Homes was recently invited to join a panel discussion on the […]

Catch the #SASchat Twitter chatter bug

Imagine having a conversation with your peers, colleagues and friends in short 140-character bursts. Not possible you say? Well imagine these people are not even in front of you but on the other side of the world, in a different time zone? In the world before telephones or internet, this would have seemed a far-fetched […]