SAS European Forum Recap – thanks!

You may recall that in our last blog post, the Metacoda koalas shared their excitement about an upcoming trip attending and sponsoring SAS events in Europe.

Metacoda G'Day! Well, we’re pleased to report that the trip was a great success; the koalas had a wonderful adventure and we had a blast meeting up with our customers, partners, SAS community members and friends.

Friendly feedback

Thanks to everyone who visited our stands at recent events. It was particularly inspiring to hear feedback about the ways that Metacoda software is helping people around the world, for instance:

David Tweet

  • At SAS Forum France, Benoit shared he was able to use Metacoda Plug-ins to solve a 3-day SAS administration task in just 10 minutes!

Benoit Tweet

  • At SAS Forum Belgium, Rob mentioned how he can’t work without the free Metacoda Metadata Explorer tool.

Rob Tweet

Stands that deliver

Having attended A LOT of SAS events over the years, we enjoy noting what works best so we can contribute constructive feedback and enhance the way we engage in each conference. Check out our different stands at each of the SAS Forums – which is your favourite design?

Metacoda Tweet

Metacoda Tweet

Metacoda Tweet

Metacoda Tweet

Analytics everywhere

The Forums’ common theme of Analytics Everywhere was perfect, and by the end there was no doubt that a world without analytics is practically unimaginable. Keynote speakers opened our eyes to the innovation all around us with plenty of real-life examples about how our lives are influenced by data and analytics.

Michelle Homes Tweet

SAS France Tweet

Michelle Homes tweet

I’m sure all participants came away thinking about new possibilities inspired by industry experts, panel discussions, educational presentations and sessions, and the latest news about SAS products, particularly SAS Viya.

Michelle Homes Tweet

Paul Homes tweet

The story on Twitter

You probably know by now that we’re big fans of Twitter and enjoy sharing events with the wider SAS community in the Twittersphere. Some of the Forums’ tweets have been summarised in a Storify story.

  • SAS Forum UK

SAS Forum UK storify

  • SAS Forum Nederland

Anne Tweet

  • SAS Forum France

Andrew Tweet

  • SAS Forum Belgium

Whether you attended in person, watched the live stream session, or followed on the social channels, what were your take-aways and thoughts? We’d love to see your comments below.

Knowit GDPR seminar

Did you know that the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – which comes into force in May 2018 – will impact entities that have more than 250 employees and holds or uses European personal data both inside and outside of Europe? And with financial penalties of €20m or 4% of annual worldwide turnover for groups of companies, it’s time for organisations to get serious about the way they collect and use personal information.

On 6th October in Copenhagen, we joined our partners Knowit at their seminar on the new regulation. In our presentation, we highlighted the European Commission’s advice to invest in security to comply with GDPR, and talked about how Metacoda can help organisations with their SAS metadata security governance. To learn more about how we can help with this critical topic, download our presentation.

Metacoda Tweet

Join the SAS Admin community

Lately we’ve been enjoying the opportunity to introduce lots of new people to the virtual SAS User Group for Administrators (SUGA) group which sits within the Administration and Deployment community at The best bit is seeing people discover that help is just a click away!

Metacoda tweet

Keep an eye out for the next SUGA webinar where Metacoda’s Paul Homes will join SAS Customer Loyalty’s Anja Fischer to talk about “User, Group and Role Administration in a SAS 9.4 Metadata Server Environment”.

Metacoda koalas’ adventures

As always the Metacoda koalas enjoyed their travels and continued to help us in our support of the Australian Koala Foundation. Enjoy the following happy snaps of the Metacoda koalas enjoying their European adventures.

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Michelle Homes Tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

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Metacoda Tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Metacoda Tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Paul Homes Tweet

Paul Homes Tweet

Metacoda tweet

Metacoda tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Michelle Homes tweet

Metacoda tweet

Michelle Homes Tweet

Metacoda Tweet

For more pictures, please have a look at our Metacoda Europe 2016 Facebook album.

We hope that any newly adopted koalas have acclimatised and settled in to their new homes, just as these one have:

  • Quentin Baudewijns’ Metacoda koala’s new home

Quentin Tweet

  • Elisabeth Ziegler’s Metacoda koala’s new home

Elisabeth Tweet

  • Patricia Machet’s Metacoda koala’s new home

Patricia Tweet

  • Stéphanie Delaporte’s Metacoda koala’s new home

Stephanie Tweet

  • Bas Belfi’s Metacoda koala’s new home

Bas Tweet

  • Amal Merzouk’s Metacoda koala’s having an awesome French afternoon tea

Amal Tweet

Stay in touch

We’d like to send a big thank you/dank je/merci/tak to everyone we met on our recent European adventure – it’s always a pleasure to experience the hospitality of the global SAS community.

Of course, feel free to contact us at anytime for more information about how our Metacoda products can support your business.

Or simply register today for a free 30-day evaluation license to see for yourself how our latest Metacoda Security Plug-ins 6.0 release can help with your SAS security.

To our many friends and customers – new, old, and yet to be – we look forward to seeing you in person or online soon.


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