Being a curiosity FAN!

If you’re a fan of curiosity, you’re bound to be a fan of SAS FANS (Four Associations of Nordic SAS users).

SAS FANS are known for hosting inspiring and educational events. Having presented at an Oslo FANS meeting a few years ago (see 12th Oktober 2015), Metacoda has experienced the high level of enthusiasm, connectedness and support within the SAS Nordic community.

We’ll soon be heading north again to attend and sponsor the SAS Nordic Forums (#SASNF) – how could we possibly resist with the enticing theme of ‘Be Curious’!
Be Curious - SAS Forums Nordics

So, if you’re curious about how our products can help you, visit us at our stand at one of the following events:

Metacoda - Metadata Security Testing

You can also find out more about how Metacoda can help keep your SAS platform secure by viewing Paul Homes’ presentation from last year ‘How do you know it’s secure if you don’t test it?’, which outlines three aspects of testing:

  • Implementation testing – how has it been secured?
  • Outcome testing – what is the effective result of the implementation?
  • Best practice testing – how well does the implementation align with best practices such as the well-known Golden Rules?

With GDPR in place for almost a year now, we’re looking forward to talking with SAS customers about how Metacoda software can help keep SAS platforms secure. The slides from Paul’s presentation (which reference the relevant GDPR articles) are available on the SAS Nordic Events & Presentations page.

This year, Paul will be presenting ‘Mitigate Risk with Enhanced SAS Platform Security’. If you’re a SAS administrator, or a SAS platform owner wanting to:

  • improve productivity and reduce risk?
  • provide fast overviews of your platform security for business agility and audit?
  • streamline onboarding of users?
  • adhere to best practices such as the well-known Golden Rules?
  • deliver security model assurance; and
  • address security regulation requirements?

… join Paul to learn how Metacoda helps SAS customers mitigate risk with enhanced SAS platform security in an interactive demonstration and Q&A session at the following times:

Living in a data-driven world

If you’d been in hibernation for the last few decades, today’s technology, communication, globalisation and socialisation would be totally astounding!

In today’s world, data has become all consuming; as the SAS Nordic Forum websites states, “Working with data isn’t just what you do – it’s who you are.”

As big fans of data, we can’t wait to be inspired by keynote speakers, to network with our peers, and to learn about the newest developments within AI and machine learning.

As Oliver Schabenberger, SAS Institute’s CTO and COO, has said for years “Data without analytics is value not yet realized.”

What do you think has advanced the most in your data-consuming lifetime?


HackInSASHave you heard about the SAS Nordic Hack In SAS Viya 2019 (#HackInSAS) hackathon competition?

It’s a fun and creative competition promising plenty of inspiring innovation. Here’s a short overview of how it works…

The competition began in February with 12 talented and curious SAS Nordic partners signing up to compete.

The first step was for the teams to embark on a learning journey via a series of fabulous free webinars (which are available here for anyone wanting to find out more about the SAS Viya suite of products).

Each team then records two showcase videos about their idea contribution, using the ’15+3 min’ structure (similar to a ‘TED talk and a live demo’).

#HackinSAS song
Click the image to hear Christer Bodell sing the #HackinSAS song!

A judging panel (which Metacoda’s Michelle Homes is thrilled to be part of!) will evaluate the entries based on criteria including:

  • value (business or common good)
  • ‘smartness’ and usability in relation to the new analytical economy
  • implementation of the analytical life cycle in real-life.

Finally, the results will be announced and showcased at the SAS Nordic Forum, and the winner will receive a free trip to SAS Global Forum in Dallas!

Be sure to follow, support, learn and encourage the SAS Nordic Hack in SAS Viya teams with the #HackInSAS hashtag on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Staying Social

As always, we’re really looking forward to seeing our customers, partners, friends and new acquaintances in the Nordics.

Make sure you let us know if you’d like to arrange a meeting in your city the day before the forum or at the forum.

Meanwhile be sure to share, engage, follow (or just lurk around ?) the SAS Nordic Forums at #SASNF. Feel free to contact us at any time and keep an eye out on our social media for the Metacoda koalas’ Nordic adventures at #metacodaInNordics.

Metacoda-SAS Nordic Forums 2019 collage

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