We were excited to attend and sponsor this year’s SAS® Global Forum in Dallas, and would especially like to thank all of you who visited our stand and gave us some great feedback on our new Identity Sync Plug-in to the SAS® Management Console.
The conference atmosphere and content were excellent and we were delighted to catch-up with our customers, partners and friends. We’re enthusiastic participants in the SAS online communities and user groups and Michelle Homes was delighted to be interviewed by Anna Brown about this and SAS Visual Analytics.
It was also a #DallasBIG adventure for the Metacoda koalas; press play to see what they got up to.

Over the years, the koalas have traveled the world, meeting new friends and seeing new places; check out their adventures.
Helping SAS users stay cool
This year we were proud to keep attendees hydrated by sponsoring the water coolers. Demand was high after a thirsty day listening to some hot presentations. It gave us a great opportunity to have that “water cooler chat” with SAS platform administrators and other SAS users.

Showing you how managing your metadata can be even easier
At SAS Global Forum, we demonstrated a preview version of Metacoda Plug-ins V5 which includes the new Identity Sync Plug-in, allowing you to easily import, check and synchronize identity-related SAS metadata with enterprise directories without the need to edit SAS code. We were excited to receive a lot of very positive feedback on the new Plug-in, both in person and over social media. To find out more about the Identity Sync Plug-in and how it can help you to easily manage your identity synchronization process using a simple, point and click interface, take a look at our blog post.
Rustling up SAS users for the #SASGF15 #TweetUp
Together with Tricia Aanderud, Ryan Kumpfmiller and our friends at Zencos we were delighted to round-up over 100 SAS users to meet and tweet before the conference got going. We were surprised with the results, with hundreds of tweets and an amazing selection of selfies and photos which you can see on our FaceBook album along with photos from the rest of the conference. One outlaw even used the famous SAS cowboy hat code!

Join us on the journey
The theme of this year’s conference was “The Journey is Yours”; so we’d love to hear about your SAS Global Forum 2015 journey and any of your feedback about Metacoda, our Plug-ins and the Identity Sync Plug-in.
And finally, if you’d like to get a free 30-day evaluation of Metacoda Plug-ins or try the beta for our V5 release with the Identity Sync Plug-in, let us know.